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Ocio en Budapest

Sportmax is to be opened in the Fall!

This year in September or October the gates will open to Budapest's Sportmax, the second largest sports complex in Hegyvidék ('Hill country'), on Csörsz street — Edina Pentz, the business director for Sportmax kft, informs us. She goes on to inform us that all of the complex's high quality sports and recreational services will open and, what is more, at what will be affordable prices.

Freshly painted in varied colours, it is clearly visible that at least 95% of the facilities are already complete, with movable grand-stand terraces, the sports arena is not only ideal for sporting competitions, but it can accommodate concerts and large exhibitions. The stadium will have a capacity for some 1,500 seated spectators and a further 1,000 standing. Currently just the changing rooms and cash desks need to be fitted. The Sportmax gives Buda an unparallelled 2,500 square metres of wellness, fitness and squash facilities, including a 25 meter long swimming pool with grand-stand, but also smaller facilities have been built to serve as students' training.

Within the facility's complex, during the Summer of 2009, it is planned to build a 33 meter long terraced lido with bathing pool in which comfortably accommodate 1,000 people. Alongside the lido a covered football ground will also soon be built. All these high quality fitting and fixtures have to be paid for, but the developer promises that prices will not be extravagant. The complex is situated in Budapest's green belt, which can be easily reached from the centre of town (bus: 112, trams: 59, 61, subway: M2) and in terms of size, facilities and cost it exceeds the majority of comparable facilities in the capital. The closest comparator is a smaller facility in a neighbouring district, in Újbuda.

But how will such a large sports facility be maintained? Edina Pentz informs us that, for the large part, the complex will be self-financing. The owners have a background in stable and committed investment, together with the Hegyvidék local government which is completely committed to supporting the centre's functions. It is forecast that in the short term 90% of the area of the Sportmax's capacity will be used. From the start, however, this may be only some 60-70%, that is until everyone's attention is drawn to the sport complex's facilities and the opportunities on offer. Use will increase over a short period, in a large part through communications and advertising campaigns and as season ticket promotions are marketed.

The XII district's sports arena will be open to everyone. Businesses can also organise family days here for their employees or for work colleagues looking for a football pitch. Here also, here in the hub, those who wish to swim or exercise will find that the Hegyvidék has the ideal facilities this year from the fall.