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Ocio en Budapest

The Hungarian Bioculture Association's Organic market in the 12th district

Every Saturday between 6.30 and 13, in a territory of some 1000 square metres, agriculturists and vendors of pre-packed food wait to sell their produce in kiosks made of wood and thatch to customers. On average 70-90 vendors are present offering a colourful range of goods. Within the market area 10 independent businesses, with distinct operating licenses, offer processed foods such as fresh, hand-made pastries and other baked goods, a range of meats and dairy products.

Within the organic market only products of strictly controlled ecologic farm provenance can be bought. The authenticity of these organic products is controlled and granted by Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Ltd.

The range of products offered for sale is remarkably wide: fruit and vegetables, milk, cheese, sour cream, honey, smoked meat, jams, juices, cereal germs, imported organic products. To all those visitors in need of information on a healthier way of life there are several large stands full of books and brochures, all providing useful and informative information on the matter.

The cornucopia of fine scents and colours are just what an occasional outing to the organic market can perfectly provide. In this guests of the Jagelló Hotel, both young and old, are assured an unforgettable event. Whilst fathers are shopping, so that the young ones do not become bored they can make use of the adjoining children's playground where they are sure to find something with which to occupy themsleves — including trying some 'chimney bread' (kürtöskalács, a sweet funnel of crispy dough with various flavourings).

In the name of good health, we look forward to welcoming you, too.

Location: Budapest Hegyvidék 12th district, courtyard of the former MOM Community Centre (1124 Budapest, Csörsz u 18.), just opposite to Jagelló Business Hotel.
Organizer: Hungarian Bioculture Association
Person in charge: Mr. Gábor Miklay, controller (Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Ltd.)
Telefon: 06-30/678-3772, e-mail:
Opening hours: every Saturday, from 6.30 to 13 o'clock

For further information on the Hungarian Bioculture Association, on other organic markets throughout the country, including prices, please browse: