Topic: Wednesday 5 January in Budapest

Wed 5 Jan - 7 p.m. - Rewind - Palotai, Cadik, Zeek - Corvintető
Address: 1085 Budapest, VIII. district
On the top of Corvin shopping center. Entrance from Somogyi Béla street

Wed 5 Jan - 8 p.m. - Hentesek, WasabiKht - Mania Music Bistro
Address: 1072 Budapest, VII. district, Klauzál tér 14.

Wed 5 Jan - 9 p.m. - IndieCator Nights - Szimpla Kert
Address: 1073 Budapest, Kertész u. 48.

Wed 5 Jan - 9 p.m. - IndieCator Nights - Szimpla Kert
Address: 1073 Budapest, Kertész u. 48.

Wed 5 Jan - 9 p.m. - Grencsó Realtime Kollektíva - Jelen
Address: 1085 Budapest, Blaha Lujza tér 1-2.

Wed 5 Jan - 11 p.m. - Jazz Eve: Oláh Dezső Trio - Budapest Jazz Club
Address: 1088 Budapest, VIII. district, Múzeum utca 7.

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