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The biggest baby born in Hungary, 6,300 grams and 67.3 inches

The biggest baby born in Hungary, 6,300 grams and 67.3 inches
Budapest, August 14, 2012 (EFE). - In Hungary a child is born with a weight of 6,300 grams and a height of 67.3 inches, which makes it the biggest baby ever born in this country, reported the Hungarian agency MTI.
Zselyke Erdös, daughter of a nurse in the same hospital where he was born by cesarean

section on 8 August, surprised the doctors themselves, they did not expect the baby were to double the average size and weight newborns in the Central European country.
Zselyke's mother, Tünde Erdös, explained that "it is a mystery why he was born so big," his daughter, as the analysis ruled out the possibility of diabetes, which could be a reason.
"Zselyke sleeps a lot and it feels really good" at his home in the nearby town of Hajdúböszörmény (southwest), despite the visitors who want to see the country's biggest baby.
The electronic portal recalls in recent months that babies born more than 6 kilos also in Argentina and the United States.