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The musical " Mamma Mia " comes to Hungary

The musical " Mamma Mia " comes to Hungary

 20 /05 11:24 CET

 Mamma Mia " , the famous song that the Swedish group ABBA released in 1975 , became a musical written by British playwright Catherine Johnson in 1999.

In Budapest, is now preparing the Hungarian version of the musical directed by Tamas Szirtes .

"You can use the script for the musical and music but nothing , nothing in the above productions. So to be different we have to carry our own direction , design our choreography. All elements of the musical will be new and of course , the songs will be in Hungarian , "explains Szirtes .

Trials have just begun but the first 30 performances are already complete . Szirtes says very surprised by the expectation that the musical has caused in Budapest. The Madach Theatre which he directed was also the first to get the rights to represent the " Phantom of the Opera ."

" Mamma Mia " is a great musical, it is full of life and joy. Talk about second chances and the power of love. So , you sit in the audience and you start to smile from the first minute to the end of the performance . This music gives hope and happiness to people , "said Szirtes .

The Hungarian version of the musical " Mamma Mia " premieres in Budapest Madach Theatre on 26 September.