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BUDAPEST : New headquarters for the European Police College

BUDAPEST : New headquarters for the European Police College

Budapest gets the seat of the European Police College

LUXEMBOURG, October 8, 2013 (EuropaPress)
   Interior ministers of the European Union have chosen Budapest to host the European Police College ( CEPOL ) , a project for which seven European cities had submitted their application, including Avila Spanish .
   The Twenty-eight states have concluded a political agreement on the seat , after London , host city today Police College, announced it was not interested in continue hosting the academy in its territory and the relief requested from next March.
   Thus, Budapest has been imposed in the final cut to the Hague , after the first descaran interior ministers Avila and other candidates , during lunch meetings held in Luxembourg. This interim decision still needs to be formally adopted in co-decision with the European Parliament.
   Police College was established in 2005 with the aim of creating a European network which enhance cross-border cooperation in the fight against crime and in defense of public safety and law. Participate in this school veterans agents security forces in Europe and organizing training and coaching.

Budapest Congratulations !