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Export from Andalucia to Hungary

Extenda support the internationalization of companies and Hungría hortofrutícolas andaluzas in Poland
Las signatures reunited with more than 25 local importers to promote sus productos in these two markets
   SEVILLA, 3 October 2012 (EuropaPress)
   The Council of Economy, Innovation, Science and Job, through Extenda-Andalusian Agency for Promotion of Foreign Trade is arranging a meeting horticultural sector in Poland and Hungría be held until the close October 5 and in which four PARTICIPAN andaluzas signatures.
   Depending on Extenda indicates a note of Objective las businesses that are promoting it and be introduzcan conozcan participants in these markets and to promote sus productos Lanza, as well as to expand the agenda of contacts for ya las signatures present.
   A total of four participants in las Company is actuated and they from Seville (SL Espalmex; Primor Fruit SA), Huelva (Agricultural Forest, SL) and Almeria (San Isidro Agro SA).
   Both of Development activities that will be found among those importers bilateral them Encuentros y las andaluzas and signatures are tours to places and markets selling local fruit and vegetables.
   During the promotions Hungría agenda, which has Created by sixth consecutive year and that the pasado tuvo place October 2, las businesses andaluzas reunieron to import a total of six Hungarians (Elise Fruit Kft; Biofruit Kft; Hunnia Fructis, Dune fructo-kft, kft Zöldcsíkos b's, and Vega Tész Fruit Kft) and with KFT CBA supermarket chain, which in 2011 stood as the second with the highest turnover in the marketplace.
   In this Conversations, which celebraron in the conference room of Market mayorista Budapest, with all participants entered into relationship with EMPLOYERS Andaluces Company húngaras that they consider as possible with clients and selling Las possibility of a future business relationship Development.
   With respect to business meeting held during this Wednesday and Thursday this in Krakow and Warsaw, the Board emphasizes that realizará to visit them in Bronisze importers, the biggest logistics centers and mayorista Market Products sector in Poland. We also keep you up meetings with almost 20 Polish EMPLOYERS, among them that they are the major importers of fresh fruit and vegetable products with Poland, as they supply many of the Las chains of supermarkets like Carrefour, Tesco and Makro.
   On this day Wednesday, October 3, las andaluzas signatures must be up desplazado Krakow to meet with Polish importers, among them that they stay on presentation amplus SA Cesafru, Bimaro SP. Z o.o., Proban SP. Z o.o., Net-Profit & Warzywa owoce, SP. Z o.o., Tropicana SP. Zo.o.
   Likewise, and with the Support of Extenda, have also maintained with entrevistas Artfoods Sp.z OO, Consorfrut Polska Sp. z o.o., Greek Trade SP. Z o.o. Polska and Frankort & Koning en las propias facilities of the Company.
   During the October 4 las Jewish businesses in Warsaw to attend andaluzas las Tajfun silks, Targban Sp. z o.o. and Fresh World International Sp. z oo, and import them

posteriormente conversation with Sun Fruit, Cervex, Dapol, Marat-On Sc, PPUH Polmex, Green Factory Bronisze.
   During the year 2011 las fruta and vegetables exports from Andalusia to Hungría aumentaron by 4.2 per Cent with respect to the previous year, and 19.2 per Cent of the representan of the total national Partidas destinan in the country, what supone a whole of 7.7 million euros.
   For provinces, Almería encabeza las Hungría exports sector during the year 2011, with the total of 81.4 per Cent. Le Be Huelva, with 8.6 per Cent of the total and a per Cent Growth of 325.2, and Málaga (4.4 per Cent.)
   With regard to PRODUCTS EXPORT the most part condom tomatoes (33 per Cent) followed by cucumbers and gherkins (18.6 per Cent) hortalizas remainder (18.5 per Cent) frutos let others (8.2 per Cent) agrios Secos them fresh or (6.3 per Cent) and y las lechugas achicorias (4.4 per Cent)
   Likewise, los productos that have protagonizado have been mayor crecimiento y las lechugas achicorias (+721 per Cent) and the Los apricots, Cherry, peaches (including Griñón them and nectarinas) Ciruelas endrinos and fresh, which have multiplied by five its Sales , logrando Alzaia a fear of +389.5 Cent in 2011 with respect to the previous year.
   In 2011 las andaluzas exports of fruits and vegetables in Poland INCREASED by 17.5 relationship with patients on the year 2010, and 86.5 million of them alcanzaron euros, with what representan 21.6 per Cent of the total exports of the National realizan in the country. Poland, with the 2.8 per Cent, he maintained the octave in 2011 as the country of destination of the exports from this sector of Andalusia.
   As regards the country-modern Partidas andaluzas realizadas by provinces during the year 2011, Almería is leading with 80.4 per Cent of the export volume, 69.5 million euros and an increase of 26.3 per Cent with respect to 2010 . Be CONTINUED le Seville, with the 6 per Cent of the total, and Huelva, with the 4.6 per Cent Las Ventas and a Alzaia of 15.7 per Cent. Likewise, the province has been mayor crecimiento has protagonizado Cadiz, which has eight multiplied by its volume exporter, a logrando Growth of 744.8 per Cent.
   With regard los grupos de productos y las frutas frutos keep representan sin and 18.4 per Cent of the Partidas andaluzas in Poland in 2011, while a sin las legumbres and vegetables retain hacen total 81.6 per Cent (70.5 millions of euros).
   With regard to las frutas exportadas in Poland during 2011, the Sales ranking them agrios it Lide (Citrus) Fresh or Dry, with the 7 per Cent of the total. Le Let them melons, papayas and fresh sandias, with the 3.8 per Cent of the exports and thirdly puesto and bathroom, these are placed and the Group of apricots dates, higos, pineapples (Ananas), each with ambos the 1.6 per Cent of the total.