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Paul Anka

Paul Anka

The singer / songwriter and fellow Canadian actor Paul Anka will perform on June 3 in Budapest.

born into a family of Lebanese origin, Encouraged by his parents, he recorded his first single "I Confess" ("I confess") at the age of 14.

In 1957 he moved to New York where he auditioned for the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) with the song "Diana" which he wrote for his former nanny. With this song, Anka climbed to the top of the charts. "Diana" is one of the 45s R.P.M. best sellers of all time.

His talent goes beyond the song, standing as a composer of themes as the great success of Buddy Holly 'It Does not Matter Anymore "or the theme of the show from Johnny Carson, Tonight Show.

During the 1960s, Anka worked as an actor in films and also wrote hit songs like "Lonely Boy." Then, in Las Vegas, became one of the first pop artists singing in the casinos.